Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

£2.95 for any orders below £50. Free delivery for orders over £50.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We only accept payment via PayPal. You can pay with your credit or debit card if you don’t have a PayPal account via PayPal.

How long will delivery take?

At Peridot Jewels, all jewellery is hand made in the UK by our family team. All items available for purchase via our website are one a kind and ready to ship. We aim to ship all items from our website within 24 hours from ordering, thereafter delivery is typically between 1 and 3 business days. We recommend that you allow up to a possible 5 working days for delivery for items ordered via our website. 

Build time and delivery of all Bespoke pieces will be explained at the time of order.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

We do not store financial information like credit or debit card numbers on this site. All transactions are handled by PayPal. In order to ensure our online security is maintained we can only accept payment online via PayPal. Your connection to us is secured with SSL. Using an SSL certificate creates an encrypted connection between your web browser and our web server. This means that any data transmitted between the web server and the web browser can not be read without first being decrypted. This protects the data from being spied upon by someone else on the internet because they will not be able to understand the encrypted data.

What exactly happens after ordering?

All items on our website are in stock so they will usually be dispatched same or next day on a 1-3 day delivery. Your order will be dispatched in an unbranded external envelope. All jewellery is gift wrapped in tissue and presented in an organza bag, which is then posted in a padded envelope to protect your item.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

You receive an invoice via email with your order confirmation.

Send us an email

Any queries then send an email to –

Email Us